August 2024


BILLBOARDS - PAINTED DOGGIE COMIC Panel 1: Foxwolf sits in the driver’s seat holding the steering wheel as the highway rolls by into the distance behind her. [Caption] “On my way home from work, I have to drive by two consecutive billboards that make me want to swerve into oncoming traffic.” Panel 2: Foxwolf’s view through the driver’s side window is of a billboard rising up above the blur of foliage beyond the highway barrier. The billboard says at the top, “SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE,” and at the bottom, “THANK A COP.” The image on the billboard is centered around the point of the gun being aimed at drivers by a uniformed police officer. [Caption] “One is an ad for the police, paid for by the police - or in other words, paid for by our tax dollars.” Panel 3: Foxwolf narrows her eyes at the sign as she passes by and sticks out her tongue. [Caption] “This one reminds me of propaganda posters you might see in a Western stereotype of North Korea. There are many copies of it up and down the highway.” Panel 4: The road stretches out to the horizon. The cloudy sky is broken up by various signs along the borders of the highway. The police billboard passes out of view as the next approaches. On the opposite side of the road, an exit sign is partially visible. [Caption] “The next is one for some hydraulics company. This one makes me the most angry.” Panel 5: The approaching billboard comes into focus above the trees. On it is the image of a white dog with black ears wearing a fur trimmed robe, raising a crown and scepter high in the air. The dog is riding atop a stack of fluttering paper currency being pulled by three struggling and faceless workers. Above the workers, the text reads “NO BODY CARES WORK HARDER” The company website, “SOMEFUCKINGHYDRAULICSCOMPANY.COM” is posted across the bottom of the billboard. [Caption] “I don’t even understand what they think this says about their company, besides that they do not care about the well-being of their workers. Are there people who would be swayed to make a purchase based on how little a brand can care for its employees?” Panel 6: Foxwolf grips the steering wheel so hard that it begins to shatter, sending little chips of plastic flying. [Caption] “This is an ad promoting working at all costs, as if that’s a virtue. It says not acknowledging one’s own health or quality of life is good, actually. It makes me think of a medieval rack stretching me out into an infinity of hyper capitalism.”

Panel 1:
Foxwolf sits in the driver’s seat holding the steering wheel as the highway rolls by into the distance behind her.

“On my way home from work, I have to drive by two consecutive billboards that make me want to swerve into oncoming traffic.”

Panel 2:
Foxwolf’s view through the driver’s side window is of a billboard rising up above the blur of foliage beyond the highway barrier. The billboard says at the top, “SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE,” and at the bottom, “THANK A COP.” The image on the billboard is centered around the point of the gun being aimed at drivers by a uniformed police officer.

“One is an ad for the police, paid for by the police – or in other words, paid for by our tax dollars.”

Panel 3:
Foxwolf narrows her eyes at the sign as she passes by and sticks out her tongue.

“This one reminds me of propaganda posters you might see in a Western stereotype of North Korea. There are many copies of it up and down the highway.”

Panel 4:
The road stretches out to the horizon. The cloudy sky is broken up by various signs along the borders of the highway. The police billboard passes out of view as the next approaches. On the opposite side of the road, an exit sign is partially visible.

“The next is one for some hydraulics company. This one makes me the most angry.”

Panel 5:
The approaching billboard comes into focus above the trees. On it is the image of a white dog with black ears wearing a fur trimmed robe, raising a crown and scepter high in the air. The dog is riding atop a stack of fluttering paper currency being pulled by three struggling and faceless workers. Above the workers, the text reads “NO BODY CARES WORK HARDER” The company website, “SOMEFUCKINGHYDRAULICSCOMPANY.COM” is posted across the bottom of the billboard.

“I don’t even understand what they think this says about their company, besides that they do not care about the well-being of their workers. Are there people who would be swayed to make a purchase based on how little a brand can care for its employees?”

Panel 6:
Foxwolf grips the steering wheel so hard that it begins to shatter, sending little chips of plastic flying.

“This is an ad promoting working at all costs, as if that’s a virtue. It says not acknowledging one’s own health or quality of life is good, actually. It makes me think of a medieval rack stretching me out into an infinity of hyper capitalism.”