Family Game Night

Houndmage loves board games! But Foxwolf's already playing a game.

Family Game Night
Houndmage loves board games! But Foxwolf's already playing a game.
Panel 1: Houndmage reaches for a game called, “Pizza Hell,” and says “Let’s play this game finally.”
Panel 2: Foxwolf is wrapped in a large blanket on the couch playing a Nintendo Switch. She glares at Houndmage. Jerri runs past, excitedly chanting, “New game! New game! New game!”
Panel 3: Foxwolf, still blanket wrapped, has made her way over to the table where Houndmage is unboxing Pizza Hell. Begrudgingly, she sighs, “Alright. How do we play?” Unfolding a long list of gameplay instructions, Houndmage responds, “Uhh, let’s see.” Jerri is vacuuming into their mouth the game pieces from the table.
Panel 4: Foxwolf, Houndmage, and Jerri, represented by their chosen pawn on the game board, continue trying to interpret the instructions:  Foxwolf: “So we need to poison all the pizza boy cards before we can spin the arson wheel.” Houndmage: “Yeah but there’s only 2 cyanide tokens.” Jerri, chewing on a pizza token: “Hi Chrrls!”  Charles, sitting on the game board, looks down at the players.
Panel 5: “MRWWOOW,” booms Charles, standing in the middle of the board scattering tokens and game pieces everywhere. Foxwolf’s pawn shouts, “CHARLES NO!” as it is catapulted into the air.
Panel 6: Charles lays surrounded by the overturned pawns in a jumbled pile of tokens on the game board. She is purring intensely. “Charles wins.”

FAMILY GAME NIGHT – Painted Doggie Comic

Panel 1: Houndmage reaches for a game called, “Pizza Hell,” and says “Let’s play this game finally.”

Panel 2: Foxwolf is wrapped in a large blanket on the couch playing a Nintendo Switch. She glares at Houndmage. Jerri runs past, excitedly chanting, “New game! New game! New game!”

Panel 3: Foxwolf, still blanket wrapped, has made her way over to the table where Houndmage is unboxing Pizza Hell. Begrudgingly, she sighs, “Alright. How do we play?” Unfolding a long list of gameplay instructions, Houndmage responds, “Uhh, let’s see.” Jerri is vacuuming into their mouth the game pieces from the table.

Panel 4: Foxwolf, Houndmage, and Jerri, represented by their chosen pawn on the game board, continue trying to interpret the instructions: 

Foxwolf: “So we need to poison all the pizza boy cards before we can spin the arson wheel.”

Houndmage: “Yeah but there’s only 2 cyanide tokens.”

Jerri, chewing on a pizza token: “Hi Chrrls!” 

Charles, sitting on the game board, looks down at the players.

Panel 5: “MRWWOOW,” booms Charles, standing in the middle of the board scattering tokens and game pieces everywhere. Foxwolf’s pawn shouts, “CHARLES NO!” as it is catapulted into the air. 

Panel 6: Charles lays surrounded by the overturned pawns in a jumbled pile of tokens on the game board. She is purring intensely. “Charles wins.”