Foxwolf has a particular style of play.
Panel 1: In +3 stealth boosting armor, Foxwolf is crouching behind a big boulder assessing the camp of monsters inches beyond the rock. Two monsters sit near a fire, unaware of her presence, even though the item storage pouch on her back is bursting at the seams and protruding above the boulder. The HUD shows Foxwolf is at max health.
Panel 2: One of the pathetically weak monsters sits blissfully unaware as Foxwolf changes into bulky, attack-boosting armor directly behind him. The monster’s actually pretty cute and has a nice round tumtum.
Panel 3: Foxwolf’s horned battle armor casts a long shadow over the unsuspecting creature as she rises, weapon drawn, behind him. THWACK! She KO’s the little one. She sneaks behind the remaining monster - who hasn’t noticed a single thing that’s occurred 20 feet to his right – brandishing a vicious spiked bat.
Panel 4: Both of the monsters lay lifeless where they sat, having never stood a chance against the unnecessarily boosted sneak attacks. Foxwolf eyes some crates at the camp near one of the bodies.
Panel 5: Foxwolf opens and peers into one of the crates. Inside the huge crate is a single, glistening apple.
Panel 6: After opening the massive item storage pack, Foxwolf stands to the side throwing the apple to the top of the bursting bag. An updated item count displays, “APPLES: 734.”